'Prayer.' Tagged Posts

'Prayer.' Tagged Posts

Helions Activities And Covid-19 (CORONA-VIRUS)

Update – 23/05/2021 – The situation with the Corona-virus is improving, however there is still uncertainty regarding what Stage 4 of lock-down releasing means and When it will come into effect. At present we are in stage 3 and following government guidance on how we may be able to hold events at the gospel hall. Unfortunately that has meant that many of our events are still cancelled and we are needing to think carefully about how and/or when they can…

Haverhill Christmas Market

We are currently putting together 400 children’s packs and some 120 wall texts which we will give away on Friday 1st December at the Christmas market in Haverhill. Along with these we’ll be giving out calendars and hot chocolate. Young child pack above with an older child pack below Each pack contains a Christmas story book, Explorers children’s work invite, tract, chocolate and a decoration. Hopefully all of this will provide opportunities for the gospel both on the night and…