Spring from Christmas to Easter

Spring from Christmas to Easter

As I start to write this article, we are preparing for the birth of a new grandchild.  I have a bag packed, ready to travel to Colchester with minimal delay to look after our two year old grandson, when my daughter goes into labour.  It is not long since Christmas time, when we were remembering the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ whose grandparents did not seem to be involved, even though potentially they too may have had to travel to Bethlehem to be taxed around that time.

A Baby in a manger

A Baby in a manger, in a stable sweet with hay,
made the animals around Him and the trough in which He lay,
all the visitors and angels, were the work of His great hands,
as the star that showed His presence to wise men from distant lands,
yet those tiny little fingers were quite swaddled close in bands,
which hid from sight His greatness and those wonder-working hands,
but years later made fine carpentry, healed blind folk, sick and lame,
before nails held Him to a cross. He died but rose again! FCG

“I am the Lord who makes all things.”  Isaiah 4:24

 In January we made this small snowman with my youngest grandson, but we had run out of carrots. It lasted a few days, but has now melted away.  God made the first man Adam, and the first woman Eve, from whom we have all descended through their children; Cain, Able, Seth etc. but we have unfortunately inherited their ability to disobey, or sin, too.


It is not an easy thing to give birth to a child.  It wasn’t an easy thing either for the Lord Jesus Christ, as a young adult in his early thirties to be crucified on a cross.  He was held on the cross by nails, through His hands and His feet, but held there too, by His love for us, as He suffered and died, taking the punishment for our sin, i.e. all that we have done wrong, on Himself so that we can be born “into His family.” It may not be an easy thing for us to benefit from what Jesus did for us, as it is hard for us to confess that we have failed in any way, but we all have, for instance…

As a driver, in a thirty mph speed limit, it is so easy to go over thirty mph, maybe without realising it.  Yet in doing so, we have inadvertently sinned, and unfortunately one sin is enough to keep us out of heaven.  If we admit we have done wrong, God will forgive us!

The months between Christmas and Easter are the time of year when new lambs are born. It is a very good time for us too to be born again, but this time into God’s family forever!
“Supermarket offers have dates of expiry,
as God’s offer, also does too,
it takes less than a minute, to trust Him,
repenting, the best thing forever, to do!”

Our family’s late January baby; Scarlett Celia, has eventually been born!

We are now coming up to Easter, when we remember that Jesus, also called ‘The Lamb of God’, rose again from the dead, after taking our punishment on the cross! We can believe He did, and we will be eternally grateful.

“What must I do to be saved?” “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”Acts 16:31


Incidentally, the space inside an Easter egg denotes the empty tomb from which Jesus rose again!

 Spring has arrived!